“The Stairs” No Longer A Teenager
I read news today oh boy
“The Stairs” had just won an award.
I saw the film today oh boy
A Spanish Film Festival had just accepted “The Stairs”
Our 20th acceptance oh boy!
“The Stairs” is no longer a teenager, thanks to Festival de Cortometrajes “Jose Francisco Rosado”.
This festival is in its third year.
It an awards 200 euros for best film.
We have now been accepted in six countries: Spain, South Africa, Slovakia, Canada
Israel and the United States.
Here is a translation of the festival’s story.
“This festival of short films “Jose Francisco Rosado” PACAS arises from the restlessness and love of cinema by a group of friends. This festival is created as a tribute to its founder Jose Francisco Rosado, pretending to be a reference exhibition of works of quality and originality, elevating this category of art in the short film format.”
I love their logo. It pleases my eyes.
It is a painting that belongs in an exhibition.
A proud woman, her hair in a bun, with her head raised, touched by colors found in a circle, an oval and a rectangle.
“The Stairs” team displayed its restlessness and love of cinema when they created our original movie.
Now Spanish audiences will enjoy our movie oh by.