Those Two Darn Bathtubs

Those Two Darn Bathtubs


A Mort Laitner Short Story
I am watching that Cialis commercial.

Yea, you know the one with the two tubs and for a split second, I see the universal symbol for “pause” pop on the screen.

I hit the pause symbol on my universal remote or as I like to call it my “clicker.”

I tap reverse for a second and then the play arrow. There it is that “pause” symbol.

(Don’t believe me, watch it yourself.)

My eyes are not deceiving me.

My brain hits its internal pause button and rattles off a whole bunch of data.

Why did they do that?

That trick of the eye was not by accident.

Some madman on Madison Avenue was f’ing with the American people, especially those older folks whose brains are not operating on all six cylinders or as we psychologists like to call it, Cognitive Dysfunction (CD).

There is no performance anxiety holding hands in separate bathtubs.

But one must ask an entirely new question, ” How did they get in and out of those tubs without hurting themselves AKA entering-and-exiting-tub dysfunction.

Wow, that was “subliminal” in action.

They wanted my brain to pause to slowly digest the value of Cialis.

They wanted my brain to memorize that symbol of the two older folks in their own individual tubs holding hands.
Course of Action:

Google my questions.

People have not caught that subliminal “pause” symbol in the ads.

Many folks hate this commercial. It is driving them nuts.

Some of these TV viewers have intimacy issues while others fear sensual experiences.

But those two people in their individual tubs holding hands is as recognizable as the Coke bottle logo.

Cialis got its monies worth.

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Readers comments:

Dear Mort,  Good thing that I just got a new computer.  Glad that you tackled those two
bathtubs!  Why don’t you send your story to Cialis’ CEO?  He (or she)  might even remedy
some of Cialis’  misbegotten advertising?
             Best to you,  Margaret McLaughlin