A Recommendation For Those Wanting Another Prospective of the Horrors Brought Upon the Survivors

51UACr5qy+L._SL500_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Wow. Unbelievably moving read. Dr Laitner was my family doctor for years. He gave me my very first needle in my rear. Reading the book brought me back memories of sitting in the Drs waiting room and office. Mort described those rooms perfectly. Being a child of holocaust survivors the conversations my parents had with the dr while I sat in his officer was dramatic. Mort’s writing now gives me a new prospective of those conversations. I recommend this book to all to get another perspective of the horrors brought upon the survivors.
Steve Gold
Follow Mort at Mortlaitner.com, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter  @LaitnerMort
January 1, 2015