When Fascism Comes To America—A Poem

When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped around a blonde bimbo’s tight white ass

An ass as white as cream or fresh fallen snow

Tightly covered in a red leather miniskirt

Leaving little to the imagination

But upon examination, the cheeks tattooed in black ink read:

This White Ass Belongs to (left cheek)

The Christian Nationalist Party (right cheek)

When fascism comes to America it will appear as a red head wearing a red, white and blue tie dye bandana, Daisy Dukes, a blue cotton gingham blouse and a belly button ring.

A red head owning a Pepsodent smile

And two fraktur tattoos inked into her epidermis:

Left cheek: HE

Right cheek: WON

The bandana almost completely covers the ginger’s forehead

but around its edges you can see fading bruises from the night before

The knotted blouse exposes her white bra and a pierced innie

And her thread-bare short shorts are embroidered with 6 small yellow stars.

When fascism comes to America it will  be dressed as a brunette, wearing MAGA hat and waving a King James Bible with her right hand and clasping a rosary in her left

And behind the wheel of her truck, as the traffic light switches from yellow to red, the brunette floors her F-150

Causing two large flags hanging off of the truck’s rear end to stand at attention

One Confederate and the other Old Glory

This pickup driven by this teen with brunette bangs, wearing dark Oakley’s to hide her I-need-an-abortion eyes

Her Ford bares a red, white and blue bumper sticker reading: Achtung Juden—Convert or Leave

When fascism comes to America it will be as easy to see

as a spectrum of frogs in pots of boiling water

Thumbs up.—Jessica
