“The Survey” by Mort Laitner







The Survey” by Mort Laitner

I’m surfing the net and I come across an article from Quinnipiac University Polling


For those of you who don’t know it.Quinnipiac uses live cell phone and land lines

interviews to conduct public opinion surveys. 

The article focuses in on why some people give likes or thumbs up emoji’s or written

comments on Facebook while others do not.

If the interviewee replies that they don’t give any love on Facebook, they are asked, why


Here is a list of responses tallied by Quinnipiac from over a thousand interviews:

1, Why should I? My life sucks; (Number one answer given)

2. Every minute of my life is valuable. I don’t want to waste even a second on tapping on a

like button;

3. If those writers, photographers, artists are so stupid, to but their stuff on the internet

for free, they don’t deserve any recognition;

4. Not even whores give away their work away for free; (Sub-answer to #3.)

5. I don’t want to build up the author’s, photographer’s, or artist’s ego. Most of their

egos are too large anyway;

6. It is so hard to choose between the thumbs up or the heart. (Second most given


7. Nobody gives me any pats on the back, or praise or love so I don’t want to start any

new trends.

The article concludes that if you are looking for love or praise or thumbs upon the

internet post a picture of a kitten.

