The Third Reich

Published Post author

As I watched the video, I unconsciously start singing and paraphrasing a Britney Spears song.

Oops I think he’s done it again

He’s playing with our fears…

He ain’t that innocent”

Oops, our favorite antisemitic dog whistler has done it again.

Donald J. Trump, “accidentally” posted a video on Truth Social (We all wink simultaneously) that brought Hitler and the Nazi party back into his presidential campaign.

Thanks Mr. Take America Into A Dark Place, that’s just what American Jews needed –another racist video.

The racist video asked, “What’s Next For America,” and answered a “Unified Reich.”

A Unified Reich?

WTF is he talking about?

Where does he come up with his ideas, his messages, his propaganda?

Doesn’t he know that the Nazis were the bad guys?

Has Donald Trump learned the meaning of word “Reich” so that he can now add it to his lexicon?

And how extensive is Donald’s German vocabulary?

I don’t know the answers to any of the above questions but I’d venture a guess based upon Trump’s past history and his study of alt- right websites that he knows the meaning of the following German words and phrases: Mein KampfKonzentrationslager, Achtung Juden, Schutzstaffel, der Führer und Reichskanzler, Raus schweinehund and Ein Führer, Ein Volk and Ein Reich.

Of course, Trump’s neo-Nazi supporters also know the meaning of all of those German words. They see them running across their social media pages, alongside Trump’s “Unified Reich” video.

And Trump, the wannabe dictator, is exactly what these thugs want in a presidential candidate. A reincarnation of der Führer. A lying son of a bitch who is going to make America into a great Nazi state.

And these goose-stepping bigots can’t wait for Donald’s next video, the one where he tells the American people why the Third Reich should have lasted for a thousand years. And then of course, he’ll deny that he ever said it.

And these swastika-wearing scumbags know that when Hitler spoke of Das Reich, he meant a racially unified Germany. A nation of pure Aryans with pure Aryan blood. No poisonous Black, Hispanic, or Jewish blood flowing through their super race veins.

And when Trump speaks to America’s Neo-Nazis about immigrant blood poisoning America, they understand from whom he got that idea.

And as the neo-Nazis preach on their websites, “To cast a vote for Trump is like voting for Hitler.” You can bet your bottom dollar that every one of those Jew haters is going to vote for their Führer Donald J. Trump on election day.

So now you may ask, “What’s next for America?”

And I reply, “Hopefully, it ain’t Herr Trump.”

May 22, 2024

Godwin’s Law

Published Post author

I wear a “Trump-is-Hitler” tool on my utility belt.

This blunt instrument of conversation destruction is a means of making Trumpers shut the  f— up.

I hate wasting my time talking to the brainwashed.

And as we’re all aware, conversations with zombies are phenomenal wastes of time and energy. These delusional supporters of Von Shitz In Pants, think they can get us to drink the Kool-Aid.

How naïve do they think we are?

But before I go to the frig to get a cold, sweet drink, I wonder, “Who do I give credit to for creating this useful tool?”

But before I Google it, I spot a blog about a guy named Mike Godwin. He’s the guy who created the original form of the concept way back in 1990.

And of course, he named it, “Godwin’s Law.”

And here it is:

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches..

And here’s what Wiki says about Mike, “Godwin believes the ubiquity of such comparisons trivializes the Holocaust, which he finds regrettable. He has since made it clear that, in his opinion, the alt-right, especially the participants in the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, deserve comparisons to the Nazis. He has also stated in the press several times, from 2015 to 2023, that informed comparison of US presidential candidate Donald Trump to Hitler could be valid.”

Could be valid!

You jest. Of course, it’s valid.

It’s not only valid but Godwin’s law deserves a corollary.

And as a humble blogger, I’ll write that corollary and name it after myself.

I’ll have my own eponym.

So here’s, Laitner’s law:

At the moment when one determines they’re speaking to a Trump supporter, they shall say, ‘Did you know that Donald J. Trump is another Hitler?’ And if the Trumper has the audacity to continue speaking after you’ve dropped the ‘H’ bomb, you say, ‘And the Republican party is nothing but a bunch of Nazis.’ And if you hear another peep out of their mouth, you finish them off with, “The last thing this nation needs is a Hitler and a bunch of Nazis running the country.

Wow, now that’s a law to be proud of.

Of course, I expect Wikipedia to credit me by adding this law to its lexicon.

And to my readers, I say, “Give it a try, you’ll be surprised how well it works.”

May 18, 2024

A Revised Lecture and Discussion On Being Jewish in America in 2024

Published Post author

  1. Mort Laitner the Story Teller—A short 75-year history—From Shalom Aleichem to Isaac Bashevis Singer
  2. The story of my three books: A Hebraic Obsession, The Greatest Gift, The Hanukkah Bunny
  3. My life as a blogger—Healthy Stories, Letters to the editor, The Times of Israel;
  4. The story of Anti-Semitism Now and Then—Everything is Relative—We seem to be able to forget the horrors of past—Neo-Nazis on our streets—Why Are They So Quiet?—The Internet;
  5. A history of miracles: Israel, Pre-statehood, Statehood the Present Day—The Glass is More than Half Full—Zionism, Herzl, Turkish Expulsion, Balfour, 1920 Riots,1929 Riots, Nazis, the Palestine Economy, 1939 White, British Lies, The German Army in Egypt, 1948 UN partition, Four Wars 1949,1967,1973, 2023;
  6. The Shoah Clock—Never again let the hands on the clock reach five minutes to twelve—1933 to 2024, Ask, “Where are the hands on the clock today?”;
  7. A story about the Jewish Renaissance in America, Northern Exposure, Ask, “Has the American Jewish Renaissance ended?”;
  8. Existential versus Non-Existential Threats—Define and ask, “What are our Existential Threats?” ;
  9. All things can be used for good or evil (Emmanuel Kant)—All events can lead to good or evil (Nazi pre-war expulsion of Jews from Germany economic policy—-Holocaust—Israel)
  10. Readings: The Last Jew in Vinnitsa On A Tee Shirt; The End of the Jewish Renaissance in America,
  11. Q&A Session

Jewish American Heritage Month Lecture: – Being Jewish in 2024–As Seen Through the Eyes of a Blogger

Thursday, May 30: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

 Davie/Cooper City Branch – Multipurpose Room



Mort Laitner, local author and speaker, will talk about being Jewish in today’s world. Refreshments and snacks will be provided, and registration is required.

May 14, 2024