Freedom From Fear

Published Post author

One week before Hanukkah, my better half asked me two questions I thought I’d never hear.

“Honey, should I put out the Hanukkah lawn decorations this year? Do you think it’s a good idea? I fear it may lead to problems. Who knows if there are any pro-Palestinians or neo-Nazis living in our town. Almost every evening on the news, I see those bastards holding rallies or marches all across Florida. They’re waving Palestinian or Nazi flags. Flags bearing swastikas. It scares me.”

I looked into her brown eyes and without skipping a beat said:

Honey, just do it!

You know, it’s one of my favorite Hanukkah traditions. For eight nights, I love going outside and watching the dreidel spin and those blue and white lights flicker. I get a warm feeling that says, “I’m proud to be a Jew living in a great nation.”

Not putting the decorations on the lawn sends the wrong message. It’s like saying we’re afraid to be Jews. It’s like we’re trying to conceal our identities. When American college kids hide their yamakas, or their chai’s or the Jewish stars they wear on their chests, the antisemites win. Those kids are showing fear. What’s next they’re afraid to go to the Hillel House or to shul. I recall as a kid, when I lived in fear because some bully threatened to beat me up. He threatened to punch me in my head or in my gut. I hid from him. Fear is a dreadful feeling. The anxiety eats you up. Sixty years later, the bitter after taste of fear still lives in my mouth. You know that bullies love cowards and we ain’t cowards.

And you also know that I’m well prepared. I got my .45 Smith and Wesson police special. Yup, the pistol I take to the gun range. The one I keep next to a bunch of ready-to-shoot bullets in my gun case. I’m ready. If anybody messes with our menorah or dreidel, I’ll put the first shot in the air as a warning. If the haters don’t run and I’m in fear of my life, who knows where the next shot goes? They’ll get the message loud and clear. We Jews aren’t taking any of their antisemitic shit.

“Honey, you’ve been putting our four-foot high, blue and white electric menorah and our three-foot high, motorized yellow and green spinning dreidel on our lawn for over 40 years. It’s our tradition. The kids and I cherish that tradition. It’s part of our wonderful life. We can’t let fear take that away from us. Hatred can’t hold us hostage. Fear, like cancer, eats the joy out of life. That’s why Israel has to wipe out Hamas. They don’t want their children to live in fear.

Honey, just do it.

December 1, 2023

Of Blood and Flatulence

Published Post author

Donald laid in the middle of his bed, shaking, scratching and farting. As he shook, he heard the bed frame creak. As the bedframe creaked, his comforter—the one embossed with the presidential seal, the number 45 and rust-colored stains—partially fell to the floor. As the comforter hit the floor, Donald expelled a loud fart.

And as his feculent odor filled the room, Donald inhaled, smiled and thought, “I’m alive. I survived another night. I’m  alive to fight my battles for another day.”

But before fighting, he stretched his legs, rubbed his swollen ankles and warmed his cold feet with his hands. Donald’s calloused fingers massaged his crooked arthritic toes.

During the night, Donald’s Bronx Colors Urban Cosmetics makeup irritated his skin causing a facial rash. A red, bumpy, scaly rash that begged to be scratched. So Donald obliged. With his manicured fingernails, he scratched his face until it bled.

Those flesh colored, white tipped nails tore gashes into his skin. And the gashes bled on to his comforter. And when the red and the orange colors mixed, they turned into vermilion blotches.

He hated those blotches. They made him rant like an insane asylum lunatic.

“Damn it, I’m f’ing 77 years old, the skin on my arms, face and hands is crepey, like tissue paper.

G-d old age sucks. I hate it.

I hate my skin. I hate my fat belly. I hate my orange paint. I hate my life.

I hate my lawyers, my persecutors and the judges assigned to my cases.

I hate playing a victim. It makes me feel like such a loser. But I know that victims are easy to love. And when I get reelected, I’ll go on the attack. I’ll teach those bastards a lesson, they won’t forget.”

Donald rolled to the other side of the bed. Now he saw how cluttered his life was. A life jumbled with minutia—pills, aches, pains, cramps and constipation.

He thought, “My bedroom was once loaded with broads, beautiful broads, like models and movie stars and now they were replaced with doctors. My sex life resides only in my head, not in this bed.”

Donald lowered the voice in his head, “I’m not going to allow old age to bring me down. Fuck old age.”

“I only fear three things—death, prison and falling off of my bed in the middle of the night.”

The word “prison” triggered  his nightly nightmare. He called it his Ryker’s Island nightmare.

The slamming of  jail cell doors pierced his eardrums. The smells of sewerage and flatulence made him vomit into a steel seatless toilet bowl. As he wiped the puke off of his chin, he heard his 250 pound, eye-patch wearing cellmate, jump off the top bunk.

“You orange-hued orangutan, your farts and stinking up my cell. So I’m gonna stick my shiv deep into your fat belly. From now on, your smelly gases will shoot out of the hole in your stomach and not your ass.”

Donald’s hands quickly covered his stomach. He felt warm pee running down the legs of his orange jumpsuit.

The wetness caused Donald to open his eyes. He found himself lying in the middle of his bed, shaking and partially covered by his presidential comforter.


Descriptive as all hell. Wow.—Tracy

Foul Play! And to think that instead of prison, The Orange Monster has a chance at being re-elected to the Presidency of the United States. What’s happening to our country, Mort?—David

As always I enjoy reading your stories.—Marianne

Thumbs up.—Ginger

Thumbs up.—Jason

Thumbs up.—Marilyn

Thumbs up.—Frank

Thumbs up.—Joan

Perry, Thanks for sharing.—Mort

Thumbs up.—Laurie

Thumbs up.—David

Thumbs up.—Geoffrey

Thumbs up.—Allan

Thumbs up.—Rebecca

Thumbs up.—Tuoi

Thumbs up.—Mary

Thumbs up.—Mark

Thumbs up.—Neil

Thumbs up.—Susan

Mort—Once again you have brought some joy to the world when it sorely needs it.—Richie

Thumbs up.—Brian

Thumbs up.—Jewels

Thumbs up.—Gail

Thumbs up.—Max

Thumbs up.—Jeffery

Thumbs up.—Bella

Thumbs up.—Joseph

Thumbs up.—Judy

Thumbs up.—Helene

Thumbs up.—Michelle

Thumbs up.—Eileen

29. Nice.—Joel

Thumbs up.—Fah Kyoo

Thumbs up.—Carl

Thumbs up.—Joan

Thumbs up.—Fay

Thumbs up.—Irving

Thumbs up.—Jay

Very funny.—Pablo

40. Thumbs up.—Joanne

41. Thumbs up.—John

November 25, 2023

“IF”—With Apologies to Rudyard Kipling

Published Post author

IF you are going to vote for the man who stole funds from a children’s cancer charity

then may your voting fingers be covered with malignant tumors

IF you’re going to vote for a man who pays $130,000 to a porn star to cover up his sexual activities, appetites and proclivities

then may your sexual organs shrink to the size of  peanuts or raisins

IF you’re going to vote for a man who grabbed women by the pussy and sexually assaulted them

then may your daughters be treated with the same lack of respect

If you voted for a man who helped overturn Roe v. Wade

then may your raped teenage daughter get pregnant and be forced to give birth to a newborn with deformities

IF you’re going to vote for a man who committed treason and insurrection against the nation you claim to love

then may your families be sent to live in a dictatorship

IF you’re going to vote for a man who lives to lie

then may your tongue and the tongues of your children and the tongues of your grandchildren remain frozen for all eternity

IF you’re going to vote for a man who dodged the draft and called POW losers

then may your service to this nation be buried in a swamp

IF you’re going to vote for a man who has broken most of G-d’s commandments

then may you family bible burn in your hypocrite hands

IF you’re going to vote for a man who doesn’t give a crap about anyone but himself

then may your friends see the true color of your soul

IF you’re going to vote for a man who invented the con and the grift

then may your assets disappear and may you live in poverty for the rest of you G-d given life

IF you’re going to vote for a man that G-d finds repugnant

then may your soul rest in the hottest corner of hell

Good one. Thanks.—Joel

Thank you.—Judith

Totally agree!!!—Joanne

Let’s hope America has more common sense but when I see the campuses I doubt it.—Elaine

Perry, Thanks for sharing.—Mort


I wrote “IF” on the inside of my ’66 FCS Yearbook. One of my favorites.—Sandra

Thumbs up.—Barry

Thumbs up.—Marilyn

Thumbs up.—Linda

Thumbs up.—Neil

Thumbs up.—Rose

Thumbs up.—Laurie

Thumbs up.—Donna

Thumbs up.—Sue

Thumbs up.—Susan

Thumbs up.—Randi

Thumbs up.—Jerry

Thumbs up.—Becky

Thumbs up.—Perry

Thumbs up.—Ginger

Thumbs up.—Lewis

Thumbs up.—Christine

Thumbs up.—Mark

Thumbs up.—Michelle

Thumbs up.—Chris

Thumbs up.—Rosalyn

Thumbs up.—Fay

Thumbs up.—Irving

Thumbs up.—Susan

Thumbs up.—Steve

Thumbs up.—Connie

Thumbs up.—Bella

33.Thumbs up.—Frank

Thumbs up.—Joan

Thumbs up.—John

Thumbs up.—Joel

Thumbs up.—Geoffrey

Thumbs up.—Helene

Thumbs up.—Eileen

Thumbs up.—Madelyn

43. Thumbs up.—Carl

November 15, 2023