The Reasons Why

Published Post author

I sat at my desk, sipping my coffee and opening my emails. I found one from the White House. I took a second to stare at the beauty and simplicity of the White House emblem, then I read:

Dear Mort,

Since President Biden is one of your biggest fans, he asked me to contact you for a personal favor. Joe’s requesting that you write a reply to Trump’s request to debate him. Joe said he knows you will do him this favor based upon your obsession with the Donald.

So please email us your draft of Joe’s reply (no longer than 900 words) within the next two weeks. After Joe reads and mulls over your words, we’ll advise you if he’s going to run with it.

Thanks for helping us beat that dumb-ass loser again.

Signed: Chief of  Staff —Joe Biden’s 2024 Re-election Campaign.

BTW, Joe told me to tell you that he reads your blog in The Times of Israel almost every day and when he does he usually laughs his head off.


I immediately started writing; here’s my work-product.

Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump:

I am sorry to inform you that I will not engage in any debate with you this election season. I do so for the following twenty-two (22) reasons:

  1. You’re attempting to destroy democracy, freedom and liberty and joking about it;

2.  You’ve taken away a woman’s right to choose and you’re proud of it;

3. You’re an insurrectionist and a traitor to this great nation;

4. You have never read the Constitution but you say, “It must be destroyed”;

5. You say you want to declare yourself dictator on day one; make yourself  president for the rest of your life; as president you will have no choice but to lock up your political opponents;

6. Well Mr. Authoritarian Wannabe, you ain’t no Putin and I don’t debate snakes who threaten to imprisonment me;

7. You pardoned your criminal cronies and friends and you have promised, if elected to pardon the jailed insurrectionists;

8. You watched and did nothing as people died and were injured on 1/6/21;

9. You’re an evil, lying son-of-a bitch and a fraud;

10. You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the balls with a hammer;

11. You smell like a leaking diaper;

12. You’re trying to get your minions to harm me. (See your hog-tie post you posted on Truth Social);

13. You think the honorable members of our armed forces are suckers and losers;

14. You said, “Hell No, I Won’t Go” to your draft board; claiming you have bone spurs;

15. You hawk Bibles, a book that you have never read, while claiming to be a billionaire.

16. I never debate sneaker salesmen, nor clowns, nor psychos;

17. You think the Ten Commandments are a joke and you break them at will;

18. You want to abolish the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department and the Department of Education;

19. You sleep with porn stars, while your wife is home taking care of your baby;

20. You’re a terrible example for our children;

21. To debate you would make me a hypocrite;

22. As a thief, who has stolen top secret documents and hid them in your bathroom, you are totally unworthy of the honor of being in my presence;

Donald, I will reconsider modifying my response to debating, if you commit in writing and do the following things.

Publically apologize to:

Senior citizens for threatening to take away their Social Security Benefits;

The hundreds of thousands victims of COVID that died because of your ignorant advice;

The young ladies of Texas who can’t get abortions because of your appointments to the Supreme Court;

Immigrants for calling them animals;

For separating immigrants at our borders from their babies and then putting them in cages, without proper food or medical supplies;

For making Americans listen to children cry and scream as they are separated from their mothers and fathers;

The people of Ukraine for allowing Putin to try steal their democracy, freedom and country;

NATO and our European allies for threatening to pull the US out of this alliance;

America’s middle-class tax payers for giving the one percent a trillion dollar tax break;

The Moscow prostitutes you paid to watch them pee on a bed that Barack and Michelle Obama slept in;

Stormy Daniels who you called a liar after you paid her for sexual favors;

To Evangelicals for making them agents of the Devil;

To the 35 women you accosted, molested or raped;

The family of Brian Sicknick, Capitol police officer who died because of the events you caused on  January 6, 2021;

All American Jews for your anti-Semitic wisecracks and tropes and for dining with the head of America’s Nazi Party and for lighting the fuse on America’s anti-Semitic time bomb;

Puerto Ricans for throwing them paper towel like they were a bunch of seals;

Haitian-Americans,  El Salvadorians and Africans for calling their place of birth,  shithole nations.”

Americans for trying to make the USA a banana republic;

People with disabilities that you mock;

The American people setting a standard as the cruelest, dumbest and most narcissistic president in American history;

The media for your disparaging remarks about their profession.

Therefore, Donald, to make this email simple enough for your minuscule brain to understand, when it comes to debating you, “Hell No, I Won’t Go!” because I hate your fucking guts. I despise you and everything you represent. You belong in hell with all the miscreants that support you. I hope I beat your butt so badly that you’ll crawl back into the hole from where you came and slither your way back to the gates of Hell.

Sincerely yours,

Signed: Joe Biden, President of the United States

April 6, 2024

Hold Your Nose and Stay Home

Published Post author

Speaking at the Sneaker and Bible Hawkers Convention in Kiss-My-Butt, Arkansas, Donald Trump told Republican voters to stay home on election day if they’re going to hold their noses when they vote for him.

Wearing his signature, $399.00 “Never Surrender” Gold Hi Tops, Trump told the crowd, “I’d rather not have those people voting for me than having the media showing pictures of them with their thumbs and index fingers squeezing their proboscises while they’re pulling voting machine levers . It’s embarrassing! And as all of you are well aware, I’m not easily embarrassed.”

Trump then picked up one of  his $59.99 America-and-G-d-Vote-for-Trump Bibles, waved it high in the air, as if  he was an Evangelical preacher and ranted, “You know what people will think, when they see those pictures on TV? They’ll think I stink. They’ll think I wear diapers. They’ll think I don’t use Trump Cologne and Trump Underarm Deodorant. Some folks may think my policies stink or that my credit stinks or that my crude behavior stinks or that my brilliant ideas stink or that I have halitosis or worst of all that my money stinks. My money smells real damn good. My sneakers don’t reek. Even the gases that escape from my mouth and my asshole don’t stink. Flatulence, smatulence, my gases don’t smell. You can ask two of my three wives. They’ll tell you the truth.

If you can’t vote for me without holding your noses, stay home on November 5th. I’d rather lose to Biden than have people think I stink.

You know, I bet that the Dems will hire actors, dress them in MAGA outfits, and tell them to walk around polling stations holding their noses. The media will eat it up.  Now that’s Democratic stinkin’ behavior. I would never stoop that low.”

Trump raised his left arm, craned his neck in the direction of his armpit and proclaimed,    “G-D KNOWS I DON’T STINK!” Biden smells to high heaven but his supporters aren’t holding their noses.

Trump howled like a constipated banshee, “If any of you good sneaker sellers or bible thumpers what to take a whiff, come on up to the podium and have a smell. I promise you I smell as clean as an angel or Barbie’s bush.”

Since no one took the Donald up on his offer.

The ex-president closed his speech by pleading, “Folks, before you leave this convention, please remember to buy my sneakers and while you’re at it, buy one or more of my bibles. They make great Easter gifts. And most importantly, remember that when you vote for me to keep your damn fingers away from your noses.”

March 31, 2024

Hotel California

Published Post author

Album cover, “Hotel California” by the Eagles

The other day, Blake called and asked, “Dad, where should I stay on May 24th when I’m doing the Higher Path, We Need Rent Money 420 Tour in the Green Room in Sherman Oaks?”

“Blake, when I’m in the LA area, I recommend staying at the Hotel California. You’ll love it there.”

“Dad, why there?”

“Son, it’s the way they welcome you. Right from the start, when you get out of the car, the warm smell of colitas permeates your nostrils. It’s a lovely place, with a lovely face. At any time of the year, you can find plenty of rooms there. They actually do research on their guests before arrival. They know your tastes, your favorite music, foods and wine.

And when you get there, they announce your arrival by ringing the mission bell three times.”

“Why three times?”

“Because the number three is symbolic of success, creativity and passion.”

“Dad, that’s a classy touch.”

“And then a pretty blonde hostess greets you at the hotel doorway. She’s holding a lit yellow candle. She whispers, “Blake Laitner, award-winning movie director, welcome to the Hotel California.” Her soft voice melts your private parts. Her sexy body immediately makes you want to jump her bones. And as she escorts to you to your room, you walk down this long pink corridor, listening to the Eagles sing, “Welcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place, with such a lovely face…”

“Blake, did you know that that 1976 song by Frey, Henley and Felder was awarded an Emmy. It’s regarded as one of the greatest rock songs of all time. And it’s guitar coda was voted the best guitar solo of all time?”

“Dad, everybody knows that.”

“And when that song ends, the next tune up is the theme song from We Need Rent Money sung by Sampson Ray Simon and Megan Johns.”

“WOW! Now I get what you meant about them doing their homework. This pad sounds awesome.”

“Blake, there’s more. When you enter the courtyard, a projector posts your movie’s poster—the one where the guy in the black tee shirt taking a long drag on a joint. And when you turn on your TV, on the screen there’s a plug for We Need Rent Money being shown at the Greenroom on May 24th.

“Super WOW! I love it.”

“And in that courtyard, a bunch of pretty boys are dancing—some to remember and others to forget. Then this bell captain in full uniform—wearing a double-breasted jacket with silver and gray epaulets and shiny silver buttons—brings you a bottle of red wine. He says, “This wine is called, The Spirit of 1969.” And on the wine label, you’ll notice a version of the We Need Rent Money movie poster. The poster with Jason Lava’s, Sampson Ray Simon’s and Malakhai Schnell’s stoned laughing faces. The one where their eyes are dancing to the music.

“Dad, you’ve convinced me to book a room at the Hotel California. I can’t wait to get there.”

“But Blake, my successful, creative and passionate son, remember, at the Hotel California you are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

Remembering the lyrics, Blake cracked up and said, “Goodbye Dad. I love you.”

  1. Thumbs up.—Donna
  2. Thumbs up.—Joanne
  3. Thumbs up.—Joan
  4. Thumbs up.—Jan
  5. Thumbs up.—Howard
  6. Thumbs up.—Frank
  7. Thumbs up.—Blake
  8. Thumbs up.— Bobby
  9. Thumbs up.—Bonnie
  10. Thumbs up.—Jim
  11. Great story. —Marieanne
  12. Joan Hornbeck
  13. One of Paul’s favorite groups (Allman Bros. top the list!) The memories of he and I making jokes, singing this song, blasting it in the car for all those years…? Priceless to me. You did a great job on this Pally!! ❤
  14. Perry, Thanks for sharing. Mort
  15. Thumbs up.—Joel
  16. Thumbs up.—Rosalyn
  17. Thumbs up.—Zeny
  18. Thumbs up.—Laurie
  19. Thumbs up.—Sandra
  20. Thumbs up.—Rita
  21. Thumbs up.—Edward
  22. Thumbs up.—Alan
  23. Nice.—Barbara
  24. Love it, Mort Too cool!—Ricki
  25. Thumbs up.—Gerri
  26. Thumbs up.—Johanna
  27. Thumbs up.—Jaz
  28. Thumbs up.—Jason
  29. Thumbs up.—Laurie
  30. Thumbs up.—Candice
  31. Thumbs up.—Aimee
  32. Thumbs up.—Edwin
  33. So clever and also so meaningful.—Aimee
  34. Thumbs up.—Marieanne
March 27, 2024