The spirit of Annelies Marie Frank prances onto the Berlin stage. A sold-out Mercedes Benz Stadium roars. A giant inflatable pink pig balloon floats above the stadium. The head of the pig is adorned with the mask of Pink Floyd co-founder, Roger Waters. The pig sways and bobs in the dark night sky. The porcine’s butt is branded with a large black swastika.
The crowd screams, “Anne, Anne, Anne.” They shout her name over and over and over again. Anne freezes in the middle of the stage as a dancer dressed as an Israeli paratrooper hands her an Uzi.
A 40’x40′ white screen lights up. On that screen, a picture of an emaciated Roger Waters appears. He is plastered—crucifix style—on to a red brick wall. He wears striped pajamas. The crowd yells, “Shoot the Jew hater! Shot the Jew hater!”
Anne complies by aiming and pulling the Uzi’s trigger. The Uzi’s rat-a-tat-tats bullets across Waters’ bloody chest.
The music rocks and the crowd sways, as Anne drops the Uzi, grabs the mic and belts out the words to her anthem:
Hey Putrid Waters, this is what we think about your message
We don’t need no racist education
We don’t need no Nazi thought control
We don’t need your Berlin rallies
So leave your ass and guns at home
Hey Waters, leave our Jewish kids alone
All in all, you’re just another swastika painted on the wall
All in all, you’re just another swastika painted on the wall
Anne stops gyrating, takes a sip of water and throws the bottle into the crowd.
The crowd goes crazy.
And now 50,000 fans start singing along with Anne:
We don’t need no stinkin’ dictators
We don’t need no pigs wearing Jewish stars
We don’t need no Nazi sarcasm
Hey Waters, leave our Jewish kids alone
All in all, you’re just another piece of crap splattered on the wall
All in all, you’re just another piece of crap splattered on the wall
We don’t need no racist education
We don’t need no Nazi thought control
Hey Waters, leave those Jewish kids alone
Hey Waters, leave those Jewish kids alone
All in all Waters, you’re just another piece of antisemitic s*** clinging to the wall
All in all Waters, you’re just another piece of antisemitic s*** clinging to the wall