A Writer’s Gifts Come Wrapped in Responsibilities

Dust Muhammad. Portrait of Shah Abu’l Ma‘ali. ca. 1556 Aga Khan Collection

President’s message in SFWA Author’s Voice

You have a passion for writing, a calling, a gift.

You have been chosen.

You’re part of the lucky few.

You possess a voice that calls out to you, “Write and tell your story.”

You’re blessed by some higher being.

And that higher being whispers into your ears:

“For what I have given you, I demand something in return.

My gifts do not cometh freely.

They come with obligations and responsibilities.”

You ask, “What are these obligations and responsibilites?”

“You must help other writers improve their craft, achieve their goals, and recognize their dreams.” (Writer’s Digest)

You must mentor, teach and convince others that if they are willing to give there blood, sweat and tears, that they’ll be invited into your ranks.

You must try to convince the non-published to publish.

But do not forget to warn them: Writers risk damaging their egos, their friendships, their souls in exchange for love, praise and immortality.”

You must explain to the neophite that their is magic in writing and editing stories.

And if they tell you, “I want to experience the joys of writing. I want to learn its tricks.”

Respond by saying, “Welcome aboard my friend. You’ll pay a price for this ride, but it’s worth every penny.”
