Kanye, I’m bit sleepy tonite
but when I wake up, yo and I gonna fight
Yo be Death Con 3 threatening the JEWISH PEOPLE
Now we gonna hang yo privates to the highest steeple
We be puttin’ yo in a tizzle
makin’ yo world kinda fizzle
Kanye, yo ain’t no gangsta from the hood
Picking on the Israelites ain’t doing ya no good
Remember you ain’t no longer the bomb
Cauz we Hebz ain’t gonna stay calm
On my tribe yo be pickin’
Now yo be aksin’ for a lickin’
We be bustin’ our moves on you
Soon you be learnin’ not to mess with a Jew
Kanye West, stop toying with us
or webe puttin’ yo ass on a bus
You ain’t no longer a Big Willy
We gonna make you look kinda silly
On Instagram, yo be mouthin’ against my peeps
Now they be beggin’ to make you weeps
You betta watch yo mouth
Or we be callin’ you a big fat louz
Showin’ no respect for our 13 tribes
Rabbiz be cursing yo good vibes
The ‘Brews be tellin’ me, “Mort, take away the bro’s Bentley and his Patek too
And while you’re at it, put his big fat ass in the middle of zoo
Kanye, “You ain’t showin’ us Hebes no respect
And we be tired of sayin’ “What the hecht”
Kim be sayin’, “Be kind to the brother, he be crazy
But I be knowin’ you rich and yo ain’t lazy
Kim be talkin’ to the Fedz
Asking them to take away yo medz
Kim be tellin’ us you be wacked
We be going to make sure you get sacked
Kanye, Jared told me you got rants in yo pants
Betta show our brother some love, cauz he own yo underpantz
Yosemites wantz me to take the bling off yo neck
And flatten yo big fat ass onto the deck
Kanye, go talk to yo Mama
ask her what to say
Or we circumcized peeps gonna make you pay