Stage Director Finds “The Stairs” Incredibly Moving

Stage Director and fellow high school classmate, Myrna Feldman, of Atlanta’s Lionheart Theatre Company—” August: Osage County, “Fiddler on the Roof” and How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”—- writes us:

Dear Bobby, (My precollege name)

I have watched the film (The Stairs) a few times now and found it incredibly moving.  The story is truly a miracle  – is this what actually happened to your father?  It was very well cast (As a director, I can say that knowing how difficult the process can be.) 
Thank you for sharing a copy of the film.
Yes, Myra the film represents what happened to my father.
I recommend that you read my book “A Hebraic Obsession” to learn the whole story. (Available on Amazon or Barnes and
Thanks for your very kind praise.
And by the way, we would really love for you to direct “The Stairs” on the Atlanta stage.
PS— The movie “The Stairs” is available for $20.00 (shipping and postage included) by way of this blog.
October 29, 2017