Movie Showings and Events Calendar
Mort and Blake’s Laitner’s Updated Calendar
FilmGate Miami’s “I’m Not Gonna Move To L.A. Film Festival”.
Miami premiere of “The Stairs”
Wednesday November 9, 2016 at 6:30 pm in
Cinema Wynwood —90 NW 29th Street in Miami.
This should be an wild and intriguing night. Blake and I will discuss the making of the film. Hope to see you at the movies.
November 10, 2016 or November 11, 2016 Hollywood premiere of “The Stairs.”
“The Stairs” will be shown on the 10th at 3:30 pm at Cinema Paradiso–Hollywood—2008 Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood, FL 33019 at 3:30 pm.
“The Stairs” will also be shown on the November 11th, 2016 at 1:00 at the above address.
Blake and I will be at both of these shows and speak about the movie, Hope to see you there.
General Admission $11.00— Senior $8.00—Students $7.00. Here is the link to purchase tickets.
If you are planning to go to Cinema Paradiso, it is a classic old theater with limited seating (74 seats). I recommend buying your tickets ASAP because five other short films will also be shown. This event should sell out.

November 17, 2016, Thursday at 7:30 pm at the Soref Jewish Community Center’s Jewish Book Month—Wine and Cheese Event—6501 West Sunrise Boulevard, Plantation, FL 33313 954.792.6700. Watch “The Stairs”, listen to Mort discuss his books, “A Hebraic Obsession”, “The Greatest Gift—Award Winning Stories Filled with Life Lessons” and “The Hanukkah Bunny”, Admission charge $18.00
December 14, 2016, Wednesday 1:00—2:00 Park Summit in Coral Springs, 8500 Royal Palm Blvd. Coral Springs 33065—Nova Southeastern University, Lifelong Learning Institute Author Talk: “A Hebraic Obsession” by Mort Laitner—Follow Mort Laitner’s journey from childhood to retirement as he obsesses about his father, the Holocaust, Judaism, and life. Mort tells stories about his careers, his books, his movie The Stairs and his writing process. Through humor and drama Mort educates and entertains his audience
April 2017 “The Stairs” Tampa Premiere should happen in April 2017. More info as date is announced.
Please join Blake and Mort at any of these events. For more info email: or call 954.298.8178
View a 39-second film trailer at
Hot of the presses Mort’s latest books, “The Greatest Gift— Award Winning Stories Filled with Life Lessons” for $10.00 and “The Hanukkah Bunny” available on Amazon.
For Autographed copy send $14.00 to address below.
Follow Mort at, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and Twitter @LaitnerMort
For autographed copy of book send check or money order made out to Mort Laitner in the amount of $25.00 hard cover or $18.00 paperback to Mort Laitner, 8679 SW 51st Street, Cooper City, Florida 33328. These costs include shipping and handling.