More Positivity Toward “The Stairs” Trailer

the stairs photo













Here are some more comments about the trailer for “The Stairs” :

I have read your story, “The Stairs”, many times and each time I find something new in the telling.  This trailer makes me excited to watch the completed film and see your words truly come to life.  Congrats. This is a true wow moment!— Author Tracie Dickerson

You have quite a story there, Mort, quite different from “The Hanukkah Bunny,” isn’t it?—Lois Stern, Editor of Tales2Inspire

The picture gave me chills—Sue

Nice work. Good looking Dennis Fitzpatrick— Jimbo

I am interested in the rest!—Noelia

Sounds intriguing.—Etta

Nice trailer, Mort!— Author Louis Lowy

Great to see the trailer !!! I cannot wait for more!! —Marianne

WOW!!! Impressive…Love it.. Congratulations— Author, Norma Chew

How exciting!—Gabby

The trailer should entice the viewer to want to see more. 
Kudos to the film makers – they succeeded on every level!
 —Bob Albom, Professor at Southern New Hampshire University
Trailer creates interest. I like it.— Rita
March 31, 2016