“The Stairs” Gains Entry Into Its First Film Festival— Press Release

The Stairs” Gains Entry To Its First Film Festivalthe stairs photo

Press Release

The Miami Beach Senior Center, part of the Jewish Community Services, located at 610 Espanola Way in the heart of South Beach, has granted entry to “The Stairs” for its first Jewish Film Festival. The festival will be held at the above address in 2016.(Date to be announced)
This short independent film tells the tale a ten-year old boy who hides at the top of a stairs listening to his father tell his harrowing story about almost being gassed to death in a Nazi concentration camp.
He doesn’t dare ask his father to explain. His dad offers no further details.

The film is directed by Hakym Reagan of Braunbar Productions

It stars Daniel Timothy Treacy, Dennis Fitzpatrick, Ann Vox, David Poland, Drew Thatcher, Elizabeth Zimmerman and Peter Glazer.

Mort Laitner, Executive Producer of the film, which is based on his award-winning book, “A Hebraic Obsession” said, “We are honored to find acceptance into this important Jewish activity in Miami Beach, Florida.”
Festival director, Donna Herzek, said, “We are excited to be commencing a new film festival on the Beach and having a quality film like “The Stairs” will give us some immediate recognition and prestige.”

Producer, Blake Laitner, credited the following crew members for their professional film-making skills:

Jill Murphy Long—Location Manager, Brian Butterfield,—P.A., Arjuna Dingman—Sound Operator, Nick Bremer Korb—Gaffer/Best boy, Shelley Laitner—Security Officer, Logan Reynolds—A.C./Grip, Erin Toft—Wardrobe and Art Director, Emily Mercer and Katie Connolly— Makeup Artists, Duncan O’Bryan— Cinematographer/D.P., Brandie Sylfae—A.D.

For more information about this film festival contact mortlaitner@bellsouth.net.

March 9, 2016