President’s Message July 2024

Writing Boy by Albert Anker 1908 Wikipedia Commons (public domain)

Learn, Improve, and Write

In the May/June 2024 issue of Writer’s Digest, I found Amy Jones’ interview of author Daniel Willcocks ( particularly inspiring.

Daniel, the author of When Winter Comes and The Self-Publishing Blueprint, shared the quote, “The key to becoming a successful writer is to embrace the path of perpetual learning, improve your craft, and keep writing.”

In one sentence, he sums up the road to success.

At 75 years old, I proudly embrace the Daniel Willcocks philosophy. I commit to learning, improving, and writing every day. You’ll find me in front of my desktop, studying the arts, reviewing how other authors approach our craft, and writing my next blog.

I truly love the process—learning, improving, writing, blogging, editing, publishing, and engaging with my audience on Facebook.

Most of all, I love being a successful writer and blogger. It brings me joy to bring tears, laughter, and knowledge to my readers, guiding them down the path of perpetual learning.

Your President in Writing,


June 2, 2024