A Dark Night in Gotham City
The Totally Mind-Blowing Show has had its judging status upgraded to selected by New York City’s Gothamite Film Festival.
For those of you who don’t know what a Gothamite is, I looked it up.
“A Gothamite is a native or inhabitant of New York City.” As a former Gothamite (As a lad, I lived in Astoria, Queens). I knew the word is derived from the nickname of NYC, “Gotham” (Remember Batman, the protector of Gotham City in DC Comics, the TV series and the movies. Recall the exclamations “Bam!”, “Pow!”, “Whack”, and “Zap!” Who can forget those immortal sounds of combat).
And for those of you who are counting, TTMBS has been honored by six film festivals. Here are the stats by country: India 3, Serbia 1, Italy 1, and the USA 1.
I picture Batman and Robin being quite impressed with those stats.
Then, I imagine Blake’s video team producing a comedy sketch where the Gotham Film Festival award panel sits in brown leather accent armchairs. They sit around a large, light beige oak table as if they’re working in the Wayne Manor. The actors are in full costume and makeup and dressed as the Dark Knight, his sidekick Robin, Batgirl, the Joker, the Penguin, Catwoman, and Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s loyal butler. They have just watched The Totally Mind-Blowing Show.
The Caped Crusader stands, pushes his dark blue “memory cloth” cape to his side, and raises his voice: “I vote that Blake Laitner’s pilot show be awarded first place in the TV Pilot Show category.” All the superheroes and supervillains jump to their feet and applaud loudly.
I smile, remembering my favorite Batman quote: ” It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.
And Batman was defined in 2024 when he became the first superhero to be given a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame.
Blake, my filmmaking superhero, I hope The Totally Mind-Bending Show gets a gold star from the Gothamite Film Festival.
You and your team deserve it.
Good luck.
What you have done has defined you.
Love, Dad