“Sea of Tranquility: A Literary Anthology” Daily Activity Log August 16, 2024

Submissions are closed. Thanks to all of you who participated in the submission process.

Caveat: We have received 85 pages of poetry,—even some haikus and free verse—or short stories which leaves us with approximately 9 pages to complete the anthology. This means that as few as 5 more submissions will complete the anthology. Submit now or forever hold your peace.

July 31, 2024

Samuel Peralta, (Sam) founder of the Lunar Codex, contacted Howard Camner, a SFWA member, and requested he put together an anthology to be included in the Lunar Codex for the next moon launch in February 2025.

Howard asked me to be a co-editor and I accepted.

We will include only works of present SFWA members and “The Old Guard”.

 Sam wants the anthology to be 100 pages long. Each member gets up to 2 pages maximum. 

Howard has ten (10) members of what he refers to as “the Old Guard” from Books & Books who also be submitting works to the anthology. The title page, introduction and table of contents approximately six pages. That leaves approximately 74 pages for SFWA members—which means between 37 to approximately 47 members (depending on length of stories or poems) will have a chance to get on the moon. 

One section of the book will be poetry and another section flash fiction/short stories. 

Samuel, Howard and I want the anthology submissions on or before August 27, 2024. This is our deadline!

Howard and I have decided the theme for the analogy will be “The Moon.”

Let the writing begin.

See you at Saturday’s meeting.

August 1, 2024

The Rules:

  1. Only two poems or two short stories may be submitted (Ergo, submit your best work) to the editor;
  2. All poems or stories must meet the “theme” requirement or they will be disqualified;
  3. Any poem or short story longer than two pages shall not be considered;
  4. All poems or short stories shall conclude with name of writer, his/her city, county and state of residence on you page. Failure to do this will disqualify poem or story;
  5. Howard is our only point of contact with Samuel Peralta;
  6. All submissions shall be emailed to: mortlaitner@bellsouth.net
  7. No entries can be submitted via US mail;
  8. Any submissions submitted after 5:00 PM on August 27, 2024 shall not be consider. CAVEAT when editors receive 100 pages of acceptable poems or stories, no further submissions shall be reviewed or accepted for the anthology. Samuel says, “The sooner we get anthology to NASA the better.” Ergo, time is of the essence.
  9. For SFWA members—They must be currently in good standing(dues paid) to make a submission;
  10. Howard will send completed anthology to Samuel;
  11. No font size under 11. If font size too small, submission shall be disqualified.
  • August 2, 2024
  • Submissions are already coming. One poem was rejected for failure to use theme. CAVEAT when editors receive 94 pages of acceptable poems or stories, no further submissions shall be reviewed or accepted for the anthology.
  • Note from Howard: Sam contacted me earlier and is excited about the anthology. He will get back to me with the title he wants and I’ll let you know. The exact launch date isn’t set yet, but it will be in 2025. Since it’s historic they need it perfect. A Falcon Heavy rocket will get our anthology there. I plan to go up to Kennedy Space Center for the launch. That might make a cool “field trip” for SFWA. (Thinking out loud). Thanks for everything. 
  • Moved deadline up five days, so that expert in formatting can get anthology ready for NASA and Samuel.
  • Howard has written the introduction. Mort is updating the table of contents and working on the cover page with Monica.

August 3, 2024

Mort discussed, “Sea of Tranquility: A Literary Anthology” at SFWA meeting. He went over project rules with the audience.

Holly sent out e-blast of this activity log to all SFWA members.

Monica DeZalvetz, Neil Crabtree and Travis Laitner volunteered to collate stories into Word doc and PDF format. SFWA Board approved a $500 budget for anthology formatting. Mort will consult with Neil concerning necessity to hire computer expert.

We have received 33 pages of poetry or short stories that leaves us with 61 pages to complete the anthology. No decisions on acceptance of poems have been made as of this date.

August 4, 2024

New rules:

Please no photos, graphics or copyright insignia in your submissions.

Neil Crabtree has come on board as compiler of the “Sea of Tranquility: A Literary Anthology.”

We have received 35 pages of poetry or short stories that leaves us with approximately 59 pages to complete the anthology.

I request that Holly resend last e-blast to all members and attach a copy of this daily activity log.

August 5, 2024

Samuel says, “The sooner we get anthology to NASA the better.” Ergo, time is of the essence.

For those of you that are planning a late submission, there is a good chance your your poem or short story won’t be going to the moon. What do they say about the early bird?

Read and learn about the Lunar Codex—https://www.lunarcodex.com/time-capsules

Read and learn about Samuel Peralta—https://www.future-chronicles.com/

We have received 37 pages of poetry or short stories which leaves us with approximately 57 pages to complete the anthology.

August 6, 2024

Our probable cover for our “Sea of Tranquility: A Literary Anthology” by Regine Fisher

“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints (and our poems and short stories) on the Moon.” —Paul Brandt.

We have received 47 pages of poetry or short stories which leaves us with approximately 47 pages to complete the anthology.

August 7, 2024

We have received 66 pages of poetry,—even some haikus and free verse—or short stories which leaves us with approximately 28 pages to complete the anthology. This means that as few as 14 more submissions will complete the anthology. We’re getting close to the end writers.

Our compilers and assistant editors, Monica, Neil and Travis are working away on putting together the anthology.

I like Howards quote about our project, “We’re making history with this project.”

Howard reports, “Samuel is reviewing our progress and he’s satisfied.”

Many thanks to Holly White for distributing our requests for submissions.

Mort spoke at Tere Starr’s Miami Poets Soiree and convinced a number of poets to submit their works to the anthology.

August 8, 2024

Rule clarification: Just adding the word “moon” to one of your stories or poems doesn’t make it a “moon-themed” submission.

We have received 78 pages of poetry,—even some haikus and free verse—or short stories which leaves us with approximately 16 pages to complete the anthology. This means that as few as 8 more submissions will complete the anthology. Writers and poets, we’re getting close to the end of our anthology. Therefore, I recommend you submit now or you might dread it for the rest of your lives or not.

August 10, 2024

We have received 85 pages of poetry,—even some haikus and free verse—or short stories which leaves us with approximately 9 pages to complete the anthology. This means that as few as 5 more submissions will complete the anthology. Writers and poets, we’re getting close to the end of our anthology. Therefore, I recommend you submit now or you might dread it for the rest of your lives or not.

August 16, 2024

Submissions are closed. Thanks to all of you who participated in the submission process.

August 1, 2024