Wear Gray on Mondays

From now to election day wear gray every Monday to tell the world that Donald is way too old to be running the greatest nation on earth;
On Monday put on a gray tie or gray blouse to tell your neighbors that Donald’s ideas are way too old to make America a more humane nation;
On Monday wear your gray slacks or gray skirt to tell your coworkers that you’re not supporting the old man who belongs in a home and not the White House. But rather you’re supporting Kamala, a candidate with vitality, brains, and vigor;
On Monday as you put on your gray socks to tell everyone you support democracy and freedom of choice, not hatred and bigotry;
On Monday wear a gray belt or gray suspenders to remind your friends that old man Donald wants to be our first dictator, our first fascist, and our first racist president;
On Monday proudly proclaim you’re an American tired of the old conman, the old fraud, the old rapist, the old liar by donning a piece of gray clothing and telling Donald he’s not fit to be our president.

My hair is gray and so is my beard. Is that good enough?—Cary

Cary, that’s good enough.—Mort

Clever theme.—Barbara

Mort – Once again you are spot on!
Can’t wait to get my gray clothes out of the closet and proudly show them to our fellow Americans!—Richie

Richie, once again, thank you.—Mort

Excellent use of gray.

It hits the mark all the way.—Ricki

Ricki, another great poem.—Mort

Thumbs up.—Aimee

Thumbs up.—Dara

Thumbs up.—Richard

Thumbs up.—Jayne

Thumbs up.—William

Thumbs up.—Becky

Thumbs up.—Frank

Thumbs up.—Sandra

Thumbs up.—Maurice

Thumbs up.—Joanne

Thumbs up.—Gary

Thumbs up.—Gail

Thumbs up.—Michelle

Thumbs up.—Tuoi

Thumbs up.—Surelle

Thumbs up.—Michaelanne

Thumbs up.—Lisa

Thumbs up.—Patricia

Thumbs up.—Gail

Great theme.—Jason

Thumbs up.—Jose

Thumbs up.—Brian

Thumbs up.—Democratic Club of Lakes Area

Thumbs up.—Scott

Thumbs up.—Mei-lin

Thumbs up.—Sharon

Thumbs up.—Julie

Thumbs up.—Jane

Thumbs up.—Cindy

Thumbs up.—Sandy

Thumbs up.—Sue

July 25, 2024