The Tunnels of Gaza

David and the Amalekite Flavius Josephus, Saul’s death is announced to David by the Amalekite who brings him the king’s crown and armband. In pain, King David tears his clothes. Wikimedia Commons (public domain)

As the temps in the Gazan terror tunnels rose

To a range between 1,400 degrees Celsius and 233 degrees Fahrenheit

The underground passage became a metro to hell

A 300 mile secret labyrinth

Turned into a hellish white heat incinerator

killing terrorists, exploding rockets and disintegrating reinforced concrete bunkers

White heat bombs turning tunnels of hate into crematoria

Crematorium with the words: The wrath of G-d scrawled on its walls

For revenge, vengeance and justice are his

But payback is hell for those living like rats in subterranean mazes

A purgatory of vaporized bodies

Vapors smelling like sulfur but tasting like justice

Old Testament vengeance

Angry mitzvot

Existential biblical justice

commanded in the 613

Saul’s two-edged sword forged of revenge and justice decapitated the demonic rapists and murderers

For committing unforgivable and unspeakable crimes

For the Amaleklites must learn

Jewish lives matter

Jewish lives are not cheap

So remember what Hamas did to the Israelites

Remember what Amalek did to us

Never forget

For Hamasian crimes must not be blotted out of our collective memories

This evil must be buried deep in the rubble of Gazan tunnels

Thank you Mort for another inciteful piece.—Joanne


Excellent- ISRAEL FOREVER—Sandy


Perry, Thanks for sharing.—Mort



Thumbs up.—Val

Thumbs up.—Sandra

Thumbs up.—Laurie

Thumbs up.—Perry

Thumbs up.—John

Thumbs up.—Steve

Thumbs up.—Joni

Thumbs up.—Geoffrey

Thumbs up.—Fay

Thumbs up.—Lewis

Thumbs up.—Ginger

Thumbs up.—Sam

Thumbs up.—Becky

Thumbs up.—Jonathan

Thumbs up.—Dara

Thumbs up.—Michael

Thumbs up.—Joanne

Thumbs up.—Randi

Thumbs up—Doris

Thumbs up.—Chava

Thumbs up.—Susan

Thumbs up—Carol

Thumbs up.—AlyD88

Thumbs up.—Barry

Thumbs up.—Holly

Thumbs up.—Daniel

Thumbs up.—Steve

36. Thumbs up.—Connie

Thumbs up.—Gerri

Thumbs up.—Susan

Thumbs up.—South Florida Writers Connection

November 1, 2023