A Tale of Action and Inaction

April’s President’s Message


At 2:00 in the morning, I lay in bed unable to sleep, thinking about my friend and fellow writer. Louis was dying and I wanted to honor him. And then it hit me, as President of the SFWA, I should write a proclamation declaring February 16, 2023 Louis K. Lowy Day. I sat down in front of my desktop, started typing and I thought, “Am I starting a tradition? I hope so.”

So here’s what I wrote:

South Florida Writers Association’s


 Declaring February 16th, 2023 Louis K. Lowy Day

WHEREAS, Louis K. Lowy is an American writing treasure, and

WHEREAS, Louis K. Lowy has published five outstanding novels: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in America, To Dream: Anatomy of a Humachine, Die Laughing, The Second Life of Eddie Coyne, and Pedal, and

WHEREAS, Louis K. Lowy is the recipient of the Florida Individual Artist Award, and

WHEREAS, Louis K. Lowy has received a MFA in creative writing from Florida International University, and

WHEREAS, Louis K. Lowy writings have appeared in numerous publications including Coral Living Magazine, New Plains Review, The Florida Book Review, Ethereal Tales, The Chaffey Review and The MacGuffin Magazine, and

WHEREAS, Louis K. Lowy is a loyal and long term member of the South Florida Writers Association, and

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Mort Laitner, President of the South Florida Writers Association on behalf of the Board of Directors, do hereby proclaim February 16th, 2023 Louis K. Lowy Day


I sat in the funeral parlor listening to the loving eulogies about my friend and fellow writer Louis K. Lowy.

And I thought, “Why didn’t I write one?”

Too busy or too lazy or both and then I kicked myself.

As I sat and cried, I knew I had the kernel of a story floating in my synapse sea.

Yes, the title of one of Louis’ books: Die Laughing.

And as it so often happens, six hours after the funeral, I had my eulogy.

So here it is:

As Louis, a Jew, reaches the pearly gates, he breathes a sigh of relief, thinking, “It’s G-d and not Saint Peter. I got a chance at getting in.”

G-d: Son, why should I let you pass through my gates and into my kingdom?

Louis: Well G-d, I’ve been a loving father, a good husband and a lover of dogs. I’ve played a pretty mean guitar; my music made the people smile. I’ve saved the lives of some of your flock as a firefighter and my novels made my readers think.

G-d: I’ve read your books and I was wondering about the title of one of them.

Louis: Which one?

G-d: Die Laughing

Louis: Why that one?

G-d: Well, after all that I have put you and your family through in the last year, would you change the title of that book?

Louis: Yup. Now I’d call it, Die Crying.

G-d with a tear in his eye, stood up and embraced Louis. “Son, welcome to heaven. We always need a few more good writers up here.”

March 8, 2023