WNRM is proud to announce that Cult International Film Festival (Cult) has accepted our film for inclusion in their festival.
That makes four film festival wins.
Cult is now in its sixth season.
Cult is an IMDb eligible event from United Kingdom.
IMDb is the abbreviation for Internet Movie Database. It is a subsidiary of Amazon. The database contains some 10.1 million titles and has 83 million registered users.
Cult even has a YouTube channel to assist movie makers find distributers.
I examine Cult’s logo.
The front half of white raven or a crow perched on a branch, silhouetted in a black frame, surrounded in white and housed in a black oval.
It takes a few seconds and then I get it.
Alfred Hitchcock’s scary-as-hell cult film “The Birds.”
And the circle represents the lens of a movie camera.
The colors remind us of the good-old days of black and white movies.
Why only half of the bird?
Because Hitchcock always made you wonder how the story ended.
I smile.
I’m proud that at my age the synapses still connect.
I study the wallpaper that surrounds the Cult logo.
I see drawn on the wallpaper: hearts, director chairs, trophies, movie cameras, pens, sofas, scripts, the Greek masks representing comedy and tragedy and old time movie film.
I’m amazed how the artist incorporated all these film industry symbols on one piece of art.
And I especially love the hearts.
For they represent the love of filmmaking and the love of the fans of movies.
A representation of yin and the yang, cosmic duality’s balancing act found in all art forms.
Here’s the rest of the list:
Filmfest International is based Indian;
Medusa is a IMDb qualifier festival based American;
Focus is an IMDb recognized event that is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This year Focus had a celebrity jury panel consisting of Patricia Tallman of “The Night of the Living Dead” and “Star Trek” fame and Adrienne Wilkinson, famous for her role in the TV series “Xena.”
Finally, I’m proud to say, “This acceptance puts us on the map on three continents–only three more to conquer the globe.”
You ask, “Aren’t there seven continents?”
Yeah, but Antarctic doesn’t have any film festivals.
Blake reminds me to say on his behalf, “I want to thank all the actors, crew, editors and staff that helped make WNRM a winning comedy film and extra kudos go to our stars: Jason Leva, Sampson Ray Simon and Malakhai Schnell for their outstanding performances.
As we wait for win number five, thanks for joining us on this world-wide adventure.