The Art of Comparing Film Festivals by Mort Laitner
Just got back from the Bonita Springs International Film Festival (BIFF); I had a great time. I gave the festival an “A”.
I have attended six film festivals. Therefore, I am officially qualified as a film festival expert.
With my certificate in hand, I thought it was time to analyze what makes a great film festival.
BIFF is a great film festival.
Here is why I gave Bonita Springs the grade of an “A”:
Venue: Two beautiful auditoriums, (The Moe—with Jackie McNamara Curdy flower paintings on its walls—and The Hinman) both with theatre-size screens at the Center for Performing Arts;
Staff: Friendly, helpful, caring staff—kudos Susan Bridges—your team is the best;
Celebrity: Joey Scaggs—Godfather of the media hoax; America’s most famous prankster; originator of “cultural jamming”. Today we call it fake news. Remember “Cathouse for Dogs” in 1976. I met and talked with Joey. He is an amazing artist. Go see his film “The Art of the Prank”;
Exceptional world-wide film selection and movies followed up with Q&A: “A Man Called OVE”—Sweden, “Embrace Of The Serpent”—Colombia, and “Coming Home”—China and the other documentaries, short films, and animation all blew me away;
Parties and Award Ceremony—Opening Night Cocktail Party and It’s A Wrap Party with live music and catered food and drinks;
Program Guides and name tag lanyards: Well organized and a souvenirs for the artists. My name tag said “Filmmaker” and it was a proud moment as I put the rope over my neck. The tag has joined my film festival paraphernalia collection;
Swag Bag: A Trendy Seminole Casino and Hotel Canvas Beach Tote and Wolfgang Puck Electric Wine Opener (live, love, eat). Both will be forever cherished, whenever they are put to use;
Workshops, Lectures and Networking Sessions: With actors, actresses, producers, directors and writers. I met some really interesting people;
Publicity: BIFF has Tom Hall—novelist “Art Detective”—coming out soon— and lawyer who writes reviews of the films, attends Q&A and blogs on what he learns. Tom also writes articles on the subject matter of films he watches. This feature made this festival very special to me. Tom’s review of “The Stairs” nailed the goals and the cinematic techniques used in the movie.Tom spends quality time writing, researching and thinking through his material and it shows in the quality of his work.
So why not give BIFF an “A+”. Well three small points:
1. No engraved logo mugs;
2. No film festival logo posters;
3. No logo tee shirts.
So next year for a great film festival experience, I highly recommend that you take in the Bonita Springs International Film Festival. You will love it!
Post scriptum, if they have mugs, posters or tees you can thank me later.