Goose Bumps—A Mort Laitner Vignette





Goose Bumps— A Mort Laitner Vignette

I know you have had goose bumps. Those tiny bumps on your skin usually found on your arms or your neck or in both regions at the same time. Yup those bumps housed next to every hair follicle on the back of your neck or on the topside of your arm. They appeared when you were cold or frightened. Sometimes they were accompanied with shivers or tremors as if it earthquake possessed your body.

I remembered getting goose bumps as a child, when I saw a horror movie. But I can not recall the last time I had them.

So when Donald of the Soref JCC commented, “You know that after I saw The Stairs for the second time, I got goose bumps.”

“Wow Donald, that’s high praise. You’ve proven the awesome power of movies,” I replied.

“Yup your movie was quite powerful.”

“Donald you know I have attended nine screening of the film and your the first person to tell me that they got goose bumps. I have seen tears in viewer’s eyes and I have heard them express the how the film made them feel but never goose bumps.” 

But on each of those nine showing complete silence the permeated every pore of the theater. The audience inhaled and exhaled as if they had one set of lungs. No coughs. No sneezes.  Just holy silence as if Heaven fell quiet. The silence that follows the ending an epic movie.”

As he digested my flowerily words, Donald smiled and tried not to laugh. 

But I knew The Stairs had elicited another strong visceral reaction. Chemicals from Donald’s brain flowed through his nervous system which prompted every tiny arm and neck hair to stand at attention as goose bumps arose as if mountains forming after an earthquake. 

I was proud.


In time for Hanukkah. Now on sale at Barnes and Noble or through the author.

The Hannukah Bunny


View a 39-second film trailer at

Hot of the presses Mort’s latest book, “The Greatest Gift— Award Winning Stories Filled with Life Lessons” or $10.00 on Amazon

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Hanukkah Bunny autographed for $12.00.

to Mort Laitner, 8679 SW 51st Street, Cooper City, Florida 33328. These costs include shipping and handling.



November 19, 2016