“The Stairs” Goes Viral


I can remember how proud I was when the web counter for the “Healthy Stories” books website hit 55,000 views. That process took approximately six years.

So for over two years, I watched as our “Stairs/mortlaitner” website slowly crept to 30,000 views. I had blocked spam from being counted which slowed down the number of hits considerably. Then for the next 90 days I did not look at my web counter.

Yesterday I decided to take a glance.

My pupils widened as I read: 214,368.

My lips mouthed the words, “We’ve gone viral!”

My brain rattled off a bunch of questions:

Had Drake given us a “like” or even better a happy-face emoji ?

Was Redford happy that we entered Sundance and sent out a comment?

Had Beyoncé given us a bounce after viewing our trailer?

Had Madonna retweeted one of our world-premiere blogs?

This magic moment with my web-counter number at 214,368 will require a full investigation of how we went viral. But for now, I am enjoying the ego trip and will leave the investigation up to others.


July 12, 2016